Pregnancy Diet Week By Week

The pregnancy diet should be started as soon as you find out you are pregnant and the pregnancy diet week by week is all laid out for you so you can start it. The sooner you start the healthy pregnancy diet the better the health of your baby will be and the health of yourself. It is very important to try to stick to the pregnancy diet plan.

What is the pregnancy diet week by week?

The pregnancy diet week by week shows an expectant mother what foods they should be eating each week. As your baby is growing you need to make sure that you are eating the foods on the diet chart during pregnancy week by week.

Pregnancy diet week by week -The pregnancy diet week one through eight:

Your pregnancy diet week by week starting pregnancy week one through four consists of eating fresh fruits. You also need to eat foods that are high in protein. Eggs, lean beef and chicken are excellent foods that are high in protein. You should also try to eat cheese, rice, milk, pasta and whole grain breads. These are the best food to eat while pregnant.

Green leafy vegetables are good food to eat while pregnant. You want to make sure you eat the green leafy vegetables, cabbage, peas, cauliflower and brussel sprouts are healthy food to eat while pregnant. These vegetables contain folic acid, one of the important nutrients you should have early in your pregnancy. Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects and helps to prevent birth defects to your baby. Folate is also needed in your pregnancy. Folate is a type of vitamin B. It also helps to prevent low birth weight of your baby. Your doctor will recommend you at least 400 microgram folic acid tablet every day until you are 12 weeks pregnant.

Pregnancy diet week by week – The pregnancy diet week eight up to twenty:

Your pregnancy diet week by week starting pregnancy week eight up to twenty weeks are still the same as your previous weeks, but you want to add more foods that have iron in them. You need extra iron now because your baby requires more red blood cells for the growth. Similarly Iron-deficiency anemia during pregnancy is the most common during pregnancy and affects both mother and growing baby. Remember your baby depends on you for oxygen. If you have severe anemia, your baby may not get enough oxygen to grow well. But keeping iron levels at normal levels increases the oxygen carrying potential of the blood and provides a buffer against the blood loss that will occur during delivery.

Severe iron-deficiency anemia could affect how baby grows and put him at risk for preterm birth. Other risk is that the baby may be small at birth. If you have anemia and bleed heavily after the birth, you may need a blood transfusion.

If your doctor find out that a lack of iron in your diet is cause of your iron deficiency anemia, he will advise you to include more iron in your diet during pregnancy.

Anemia during pregnancy can be prevented by eating foods that are rich in Iron:

  • Liver
  • Beef
  • Whole grain breads
  • Cereals
  • Eggs
  • Dark-green leafy vegetables, such as watercress and curly kale
  • Dried fruits

You want to watch the caffeine that you are drinking. Caffeine can take away some of the iron that you are taking in. You should try to drink beverages that are caffeine-free.

Pregnancy diet week by week – The pregnancy diet week twenty to thirty two weeks:

Your pregnancy diet week by week starting pregnancy week twenty to thirty two weeks require that you take in your daily eight ounces of water. You should drink this water every day. This will keep your body hydrated and also help to keep any swelling down while you are pregnant.

Your pregnancy diet must content green vegetables. You also want to continue eating your dairy products such as the cheeses, yogurt and milk. You want the calcium that is in the dairy products so your baby grows strong and healthy.

Pregnancy diet week by week – The pregnancy diet week thirty two to forty weeks:

Your pregnancy diet week by week starting pregnancy week thirty two to forty weeks is the same as you have been doing your previous weeks that you have been pregnant. Always remember to eat all the fresh fruits and fresh vegetables that you can. Eat lean meats. Don’t forget your dairy foods. All of these are important until you have your baby.

You should always remember to take your prenatal vitamin each day. The prenatal vitamin will make sure that you are getting the vitamins that your body and your baby needs for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

The pregnancy diet week by week:

The pregnancy diet week by week is basically the same each week, but as you get further into your pregnancy you want to keep eating the foods that will help the growth of your baby. The best pregnancy diet is eating green leafy vegetables. This will help with folic acid and help to prevent birth defects.

You always want to remember to take your prenatal vitamin. Prenatal vitamins contain the necessary iron as well as other nutrients that a pregnant woman will require. Some women don’t like the taste of the prenatal vitamins. For some, occasionally, it can make them feel nauseous or sick. There are alternatives. For example, when you take your prenatal vitamin take a few bites of a saltine cracker and this will settle your stomach so you don’t get sick. Don’t ever quit taking it because it makes you sick. It is important to take the prenatal vitamin.

Always keep your body hydrated and drink eight glasses of water each day. Some pregnant women experience swelling during their pregnancy. This will help to prevent swelling and also keep you hydrated and feeling good during your pregnancy.

For more information on the pregnancy diet week by week, then take some time and read our interesting articles on maternity diet, What to eat when pregnant, vegetarian pregnancy diet, pregnancy diabetes diet and foods to avoid during pregnancy  

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